Kinda lovin’ it

I love McDonalds. They, and my parents’ unwillingness to wait for a special order for that kid who didn’t like ketchup, pickles, mustard or onions, taught me to endure, if not embrace, the random pooey gooeyness of fine dining. Though I did eat my lifetime allotment of Big Macs and Quarter pounders by 2002, I do relish some of McDonald’s more savvy outdoor advertising.

Check out this sign, which, in daylight is just a blank red billboard, yet at night, when will power wanes and the appetite awakens, the lights wink on…mcdonalds logoagical.

open at night

This time it’s daylight that illuminates. Undoubtedly posted in some magical land where the sun shines brightly most days (def not Pittsburgh), this sundial works its way through  6 hours, and about 2,000 calories, of Mickey D delicacies.
sundial better
Speaking of passing time…
By day it’s a mysterious white, oval sphere:
Then, the crack of dawn:
crack of dawn
and slowly the oval becomes an ovum:
At last, breakfast is served!
breafast is served

And finally, taking a break from admiring the professional smart cookies entrenched in advertising agencies, it’s time to give a shout out to the front line smart alecks who carpe the moment, climb a ladder, swipe a letter or two, rearrange at will, and risk their low paying jobs, just to amuse us random passerbys.

CREDITS: Thank Bensonium for letting me repost their parody of the McDonald’s spot.



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